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Trump? Please Convince Me

I haven't heard anyone come up with a logical reasoning as to why I should support Trump. He will not bring jobs back to America; that ship has sailed and new technology as appeared with cheaper labor and production. He can't deport 11 million people without jamming up the legal system in due process of law nor with the current state of law enforcement in this country. The Terry Stop doesn't allow for the asking or reporting of an immigration status; good luck getting that passed in a Democrat controlled Senate. Trumps ideas of stopping ISIS is unrealistic, when he disrespects the Muslims whom are fighting ISIS overseas. 

We can't withdraw our investment to the region financially, because the World Court and United Nations will demand compensation for the War crimes that have been committed by the US in accidental collateral damage in bombings.

He wants to tear up the International Trade Deal as if those other countries will now deal with us for
violating a signed agreement under International law. Sorry, in reality we have to work with other nations around the world in order to prosper. If Trump refuses, their goes the support from INTERPOL; whom coincidentally, patrols and monitors the shipping goods of all countries according to the treaty. If we violate that treaty, here come the pirates that will attack our boats and steal our commerce. 

Good luck convincing other countries, whom are currently allowing our NAVY to patrol their waters unmolested voyage and free passage. By the way Trump wants those countries to start paying protection money for our presence; they will simply just refuse to pay and deny our entry to the already established of bases and ambassador buildings in those regions.

Promising on building a wall is more important than focusing on building bridges with South America and/or the other Latin/Spanish speaking countries around the world. Meanwhile, Trump believes that North Korea, will bow down to him as POTUS along with Russia.

During the Cold War we helped slowdown the manufacturing of Nuclear weapons, but now Trump wants the newly formed Asian Alliance (Japan, S. Korea, The Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore) to invest in protecting themselves with nuclear development. How will he deal with China? They are going to file a protest with the Nuclear Security Summit members of 51 delegates, with Russia saying "I told you so, America wants war".

So, please somebody tell me why should I vote for Trump. Please explain to me how this man keeps my family safe for the future and how his actions will make America great.


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